*Classroom Moments
We've had tons of fun in these workshops and made some really lovely mosaics - have a look as participants explore a few different ways to create mosaics! More information on upcoming Workshops can be found on our "Workshops & Events" Page.
Click on any image to enlarge
April Group
Studio Grouting
W, Working By Section
R, Working By Section
R Detailing!
R Done!
W Done!
Great Job!
Grouting Day
Super "Opus" Stones
Great Work !
Working By Section
D's Working By Section
J's Working By Section
D In Progress
J Working on It!
D Working away!
Starburst coming alive!
Starburst grouting
Starburst Fini!
Geometric in Progress
Geometric - Done!
Geometric side shot!
Turtle appears
"Turtle" Progress
"Turtle" Grouting
"Sunrise" progression
"Sunrise" Done
"Sunrise" Closeup
Great Creations!
Grouting Day
Proud Workers!
A Week's Work!
Grouting Winter Bird
Winter Bird outside
Panorama Group
Beach Ball on Square
Red Fuschia
Round Beachball
Purple Fuschia
Beautiful Beachball
Beautiful Turtle!
Summer GOG class
Summer GOG class
Summer GOG class
L Grouts the Table Top
L's Sparkly Patio Table
L's Patio Table
Grouting Day
March Basics 'Grads'
March Class Results
Our Studio
February class Grouting Day!
Our February Basics Class!
January Fun Group
Freshly Grouted
Great Job!
Ree's Gears!
Linda's Zentangle in Progress
Linda's Zentangle
J and J's Garden Mosaics
Janet's Stepping Stone
Julia's Garden Tile
Sunny Mandala
Red Butterfly
Fishy Business
Hooo's There
Waiting for Grout
Roundabout Done!
Beautiful Bug Done
Turtle Just Grouted
Red Butterfly1
Red Butterfly2
Pregrouted Ohm
A grouting Day
Mid Grouting Mermaid
Kokopelli done
Number60 Done!
Ohm Done!
The Mermaid done!
Neatest Grouters Ever
LadyBug Grouting
Pink Moon- Done!
Waterlily Done!
Red Bird
RedBird Done!
Starfish Done!
Owl Ready for Grout
Beautiful Owl
Garden Swirl Done!
Dove Done!
Wave Done!
Wave Sparkles!
Zentangle done!
Arounds done!
Arounds Garden
Mandala done!
Rounds done!
Rondelle - Done!
Flower Party Done!
Flower Party - Pregrout
Poppy - Done!
Poppy- pregrout
Workshop Material
Class in Session!